
Maybe you are the missing element!

Join our team and become a real one yourself Manawizor!
01/03What they say, who
are already working for us?
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02/03What they say, who
are already working for us?
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03/03What they say, who
are already working for us?
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What do your colleagues like to do and how do they incorporate it into their everyday lives?

Krisztin Robi
Krisztin RobiCEO / Operational Manager
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Robi played a lot of Transport Tycoon Deluxe as a child and now uses the logistics and systems integration skills he learned there to help him in his business management.
Zoltán Paddi
Zoltán PaddiSysadmin
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"Az informatika nemcsak a munkám, hanem az életem része, és arra törekszem, hogy mindkét területen kiemelkedő legyek. Már csak magasságban kéne kiemelkednem."
Balázs Szabó
Balázs SzabóDesktop Support Associate
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Balázs likes to play music in his free time. It is also music to his ears when he hears that his customers' machines are working without a glitch.

What are our goals?

We are constantly competing with ChatGPT on the IT front. We hope that in time they will only come to us for this.

We strive for a calming silence with our customers, because that is the true measure of our work.

This is the place for the goal that matters to you, because we help all our employees to develop, see one better.

A colleague of ours wants to start a K-pop band and we are looking for a way to achieve this together.

What is our main vision?

"When there is silence, everything is fine."

That's how we know we're working well, when the customer can go about their daily tasks without interruption. We can only achieve this through constant precision and a relentless drive to improve.

That's why we're looking for people who have learning ability, discipline and, of course, not inoculated against humour.

Observe our colleagues in their natural habitat

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How can we help your company?

Leave the IT burden to us!